Worldwide Holiday


Weekend Happenings

Objective: Weekend Happenings aims to curate and deliver a comprehensive list of free local events taking place in the community every weekend. The goal is to provide subscribers with a valuable resource to discover and engage in various activities, fostering a sense of community involvement and entertainment.

Target Audience: Local residents of all ages who are interested in exploring free events and activities within the community during weekends.

Content Strategy:

  1. Event Curation:
    • Research and compile a diverse range of free local events, including festivals, markets, workshops, concerts, art exhibitions, outdoor activities, and more.
    • Ensure events cater to different interests and demographics, making the newsletter appealing to a wide audience.
  2. Engaging Descriptions:
    • Craft concise and engaging descriptions for each event, highlighting key details such as date, time, location, featured attractions, and any unique selling points.
    • Use vivid language to create excitement and encourage readers to attend.
  3. Event Spotlight:
    • Choose one event each week to feature prominently in the newsletter. Provide in-depth information, exclusive interviews with organizers or participants, and insights into what attendees can expect.
    • This spotlight can help build anticipation and provide a deeper understanding of the event.
  4. Event Categories:
    • Categorize events based on themes such as arts and culture, family-friendly, food and drink, sports and fitness, etc. This allows readers to quickly find events that align with their interests.
  5. Interactive Content:
    • Incorporate interactive elements like polls or surveys to gauge readers’ preferences and gather feedback on past events they attended.
  6. Local Spotlight:
    • Occasionally feature a profile on local businesses, artists, or community figures that contribute to the events scene. This adds a personal touch and strengthens ties within the community.
  7. User-Generated Content:
    • Encourage subscribers to share their experiences at featured events. Highlight user-submitted photos, testimonials, and stories in each newsletter.
  8. Community Involvement:
    • Promote volunteer opportunities or ways readers can get involved with event planning, organization, or local charities.
  9. Tips and Recommendations:
    • Include practical tips, such as parking suggestions, public transportation options, and any recommended items to bring along to specific events.
  10. Social Media Integration:
    • Share snippets of newsletter content on social media platforms to increase visibility and attract new subscribers.
  11. Collaborations and Partnerships:
    • Collaborate with local event organizers, businesses, and community groups to cross-promote and expand the reach of the newsletter.
  12. Consistent Schedule:
    • Send out the newsletter on a consistent schedule, preferably mid-week, to give subscribers ample time to plan their weekend activities.
  13. Mobile-Friendly Design:
    • Ensure the newsletter design is responsive and mobile-friendly, as many readers may access it on their smartphones.
  14. Call to Action (CTA):
    • End each newsletter with a clear CTA encouraging readers to attend the events, share their experiences, and invite friends to subscribe.
  15. Feedback Loop:
    • Provide a way for subscribers to provide feedback and suggest events for future newsletters, creating a sense of ownership and involvement.

By implementing this content strategy, the “Weekend Happenings” newsletter can become a go-to resource for the local community to discover and engage in exciting free events, fostering a stronger sense of connection and unity.